Thanks on behalf of Sursagar Society of Delhi Gharana and Setu for encouraging our efforts. It was a treat to watch eminent personalities performing on the stage and newcomers rendering the opening composition. These new comers included some of Setu members who, although are so called DIFFERENTLY-ABLE, performed with great gusto at “Tasawwuff Ke Rang”- A Soulful Sufi Evening for the Cause of National Integration on Sunday, 24th Jan, 2010 at 6.00 PM, Kamani Auditorium,No.1, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi.
Please watch the video at YOU TUBE by clicking at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH9BXpNd7nY
Started with a tiny spark of desire to make a difference and to be able to give something back to the society and nurtured in the heart, Setu-an NGO was born in the year 2007. In this short span of time Setu has started making inroad in bridging the gap between underprivileged people and the mainstream of the society by making underprivileged self reliant। Slowly more people have joined up and the caravan of people has grown bigger. Presently Setu has outreach across the length and breadth of the country benefiting a large number of differently-able people. Besides disability sector, Setu has spread its wings towards inclusive education sector for the underprivileged and children with a back ward economic background and has met with considerable success.
A word about the special people; one look is enough to realize that differently-able people are second to none when it comes to their talent and determination to work hard, however, what they lack is the opportunity and an attitudinal change of the society at large towards them. Towards this end and to sensitize the environment, several projects are in operation by Setu. Some of the successful projects are in the category of digital empowerment especially for the visually challenged people, education, and vocational training for self employment. Setu also helps these people to study further by financing their education and assists them in getting jobs.
Sangeet Shakti is one such effort through which Setu has been able to bridge the gap even in a more meaningful manner as it not only provides platform of musically enabled people to become self reliant but also the music in itself becomes a therapy for them. There are many Stevie Wonders hidden amongst them and our current effort is to bring them to fore.
Setu is dedicated and focused on incorporating these people into normal life patterns and making them realize that despite their disabilities, they can lead life with dignity and with their self esteem intact by encouraging them and assisting them in every possible way to get jobs in respectable organizations.
Lets all join hands in realizing this dream and assist the differently-able to become not only self reliant but also, a beacon of success despite disability.
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